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- Create Date April 28, 2019
- Last Updated July 7, 2021
A Rapid Software Testing Framework
There are many ways to diagram the testing process, but this is my current favorite.
This diagram is also an illustration of how test framing works. Test framing is the process of relating everything and anything that you do while testing back up to the business. It is the process of putting a logical frame around your work to show it's relevance. This is a story-telling process, and so this framework is expressed in the form of a narrative statement.
Attached Files
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Love the references to ‘experiments’. This is the sole reason I manage to break so many things. I generally get the old ‘but that’s an invalid scenario’. Is it, well if the system provides the ability to create the scenario, it’s not invalid, Good work!
This is a radical document about skills. http://www.developsense.com/resources/TestingSkillsv4.pdf
Can you please incorporate it into your material
– Nilan
[James’ Reply: It’s already on the download page of this site, as well as being part of the rst-appendices.pdf, which you can also download from this site.]