Regular readers know that I'm dissatisfied with the state of the testing industry. It's a shambles, and will continue to be as long as middle managers in big companies continue to be fat juicy targets … [Read more...] about How Challenging Each Other Helps the Craft
Tester Pilot
Richard drove up to the hangar just as I was checking the oil on the Husky, his prized baby float plane. Nuts. He was right on time. I was late. I'm supposed to have the plane ready to go when he … [Read more...] about Tester Pilot
Free Testing Lessons Over Skype
One of the things I like to do is give testing lessons over Skype. I never charge for them, but there are conditions: I don't schedule them in advance. I do it as time is available. I coach … [Read more...] about Free Testing Lessons Over Skype
New Version of the ET Dynamics Lists
Michael Bolton, my brother Jon, and I have produced a new version of our Exploratory Testing Dynamics document. We unveiled it last week at STPCON. This document describes the elements of exploratory … [Read more...] about New Version of the ET Dynamics Lists
Sapience and Blowing Peoples’ Minds
I told a rival that I don't use the term "manual testing" and that I prefer the term "sapient testing" because it's more to the point. This is evident in the first definition of the word "manual" in … [Read more...] about Sapience and Blowing Peoples’ Minds
Putting Subtitles to Testing
I've released a new video, which is a whimsical look at a serious subject: explaining exploratory testing. In the video, my brother and I independently test an "Easy Button" for 10 minutes. Neither … [Read more...] about Putting Subtitles to Testing
Reclaim Your Personal Method
(Since this pertains to both self-education AND technical work, I'm posting this on both of my blogs) Randy Ingermanson has an interesting approach to writing fiction. It's called the Snowflake … [Read more...] about Reclaim Your Personal Method
Michelle Smith: True Test Leadership
I'm delighted to read Michelle Smith's play-by-play description of how she is coaching new testers. Take a look. Let me catalog the coolnesses: 1. "The team I work with was previously exposed to … [Read more...] about Michelle Smith: True Test Leadership
We Need Better Testing Bloggers
I don't understand the mentality of bloggers like this guy. His view of the history of testing is a fantasy that seems designed to insult people who study testing. It applies at most to certain … [Read more...] about We Need Better Testing Bloggers
Designing Experiments
I experience intellectual work, such as testing, as a web of interconnected activities. If I were to suggest what is at the center of the testing web, on my short list would be: designing experiments. … [Read more...] about Designing Experiments